The Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) has officially opened another busy year of training and warfare development. On 12 January, the Centre hosted its annual New Year’s Reception. Major General Norbert Wagner, JFTC Commander, met with Centre’s key partners and friends to thank them for their support, to summarise the very challenging 2022 and to outline JFTC’s plans for the upcoming twelve months.
General Wagner welcomed the guests with a reflection on current world situation and a quote from a Roman writer Vegetius from the beginning of the 5th century – “Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum” (Eng.: If you want peace, prepare for war). “Why JFTC? Why NATO? Since 24 February 2022 – the Russian attack on Ukraine – everyone in every Nation of NATO knows the answers”, said JFTC Commander and added: “JFTC is one of the answers of NATO to deterrence, defence and especially readiness – by preparing for warfighting.”
In 2022, the Joint Force Training Centre conducted three rotations of the Pre-Deployment Training for NATO Mission Iraq, preparing NATO soldiers for this demanding mission. In March, the Centre supported the Georgian Armed Forces during the NATO-Georgia exercise that aimed at improving Georgia’s interoperability with the Alliance. Traditionally in June, JFTC hosted and played important role in the NATO’s biggest annual interoperability event – Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination eXercise (CWIX 2022). The Centre also held the Steadfast Pyramid and Steadfast Pinnacle Exercise, preparing Alliance’s key leaders for their assignments in the NATO Command and NATO Force Structures (NCS and NFS). The highlight of JFTC’s 2022 programme of work was Exercise LOYAL LEDA 2022. With four corps participating and important experimentation on warfighting capabilities conducted, the exercise played a critical role in preparing NATO for future challenges.
“We have very professional and well-trained staff members with a great ability to cooperate in a multinational and multicultural environment”, Major General Wagner highlighted, thanking his staff for their dedicated work throughout the past year. “I am impressed how strong our support for the warfighting community is, and how all different nations at my Centre share the same values, aiming for the same goal which eventually strengthens the Alliance and enhances cooperation.”
The Joint Force Training Centre will not slow down in 2023. With three Pre-Deployment Training events for NATO Mission Iraq, CWIX 2023, Steadfast Pyramid and Steadfast Pinnacle series as well as hosting and supporting two staff exercises - GRIFFIN LIGHTNING for Multinational Corps Northeast, and CITADEL BONUS for Rapid Reaction Corps France, 2023 will be another demanding year. Meanwhile, JFTC will be busy preparing its next big warfighting exercise planned at the beginning of 2024.
“Overall, another challenging year, in which we will also need your cooperation to achieve our goals in strengthening warfighter’s readiness, military effectiveness, interoperability and – our main effort – cohesion”, JFTC Commander addressed JFTC partners and friends, thanking them for the tremendous support they have provided to the Centre so far.
Regional and local authorities honoured JFTC with their presence during the New Year’s Reception. Mr. Piotr Całbecki, Marshal of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region, Mr. Radosław Kempiński, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Deputy Voivode, Mr. Mirosław Kozłowicz, Deputy Mayor of Bydgoszcz, H.E. Bishop Krzysztof Włodarczyk, and many others arrived at JFTC to mark the beginning of 2023.
The Joint Force Training Centre is now finalising preparations for its first 2023 training event. Next week, another group of future NATO Mission Iraq members will start their final preparation before the deployment.